Saturday 11 March 2017

You N Me- Makes a Relation

Many young people contact me because they are so confused about the relationships they are in, they seek help, asking whether they should keep the relationship alive or let it go? 

First thing first, if your question is: "how should you or/ and whether should you keep the relationship alive ", it means you already know that it's dead. 

Then you don't need to consult anyone to know if its working for you,  NO!! it is not working , simply because "dead things don't work'', and you already know it.

So accept it. Unless you don't accept the challenge, how can you resolve it?? #Acceptance is the first step to healing any issue.

Now we can analyze if you need to work on it or not!!

Most people have the guilt, that,  "if I let go off the relationship, then how would the other person feel or if I try to revive the relationship, I hope I would not be hurting the other".

The truth is whether you let go or keep at it, Relationships are always a two way traffic, you can't keep them if the other is so bent upon not keeping it, and you can't let go either unless the other person too is willing to. So relax!! You are not the only one responsible here!! 

Sigh of relief, isn't it?? 

It's funny we care more about if we would be blamed, rather than if, "I am living my truth"!! 

 Well, truth is just that, one person would be more active, more courageous and ready to take the responsibility of making it or breaking it and the other person is more of a drama queen and one, who would rather remain miserable but never take any decision or any step either,to avoid being "the bad person".

And sometimes one person is so insensitive, that does not even realize his/her partner is not even happy in the relationship, in this case again I guess you don't need to consult anyone.

I wish to clear the air here, it does not matter what you decide, you are responsible for your own happiness, for your own peace of mind. 
Relationships are either for a reason, a season or a life time!! 

When the reason and season are over, relationships end. The ones which are for a lifetime , you know it deep within and they don't reach a place where you would feel the need to work on them.

Remember you can not make anyone happy, if s/he does not wish to be happy. You are not responsible for anyone's happiness but yours. You need to be involved in a relationship, not entangled, there is a difference between the two.

Do I mean, you should let go off every relationship easily? " NO", you must try and keep your relationships but not at the cost of loosing you!! 

#BeHappy #BeYou #Relationships!! 

Shweta Mantri...

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